Virtual FantasyCon 2017 – Now On!

VFC 2017

As most of you probably already know, Virtual FantasyCon is now live and active on Facebook. I just wanted to draw your attention to a few cool things 🙂

First, though I haven’t published a book in the past year, I still managed to snag a gold award for blogging. It nominally came for The Protagonist Speaks, my blog dedicated to character interviews, but since the voting was on “best blogger” without a specific blog, I’m sure half the votes were for my dedicated efforts here 😉 I know that my series on indie book marketing and publishing is always getting a lot of interest, as do my short stories.

Next, there are the author panel videos. These are recorded sessions about particular fantasy topics, that are available through the YouTube channel for the con. Yours truly appears on Realism in Fantasy Warfare and on Fantasy Mash-ups. These were done over the past couple of days, so may take a bit till they get out of the editing floor and on to YouTube.

Yours truly was also supposed to organise a History in Fantasy panel, but yours truly – after the day job and kids – has the left-over brain capacity of comatose cattle. I did manage to do the opening animation and closing credits for the panels, though. Go watch the panels and subscribe for the channel so you don’t miss the ones still to be posted. You’ll likely learn something new.

Then there are the “booths” for individual authors and the cross-event activities. One of the main ones is the Truth or Lie Scavenger Hunt. Start there as it will lead you around, and explore the rest of the Reader’s Corner for all the neat stuff.

If you want to meet me in particular, my booth is here. I’ll be posting random stuff throughout the week, including excerpts from the upcoming In Numina, games (I just made a new one!), trivia, and even a separate giveaway. Feel free to drop any time, and ask anything.

See on the show grounds 😃


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