I’ve been talking about resuming writing, and now it’s time to reveal my latest publication! The fine fellows at Purple Toga Publications have set out to issue speculative anthologies. The first is dedicated to the meaning of care and compassion, to imagining worlds where taking time off work to care for others is not a […]

Since moving to Tasmania and embracing the scene, I have naturally started to toy with an idea about a modern-day, Outback-noir style, fantasy (duh) crime mystery. So for the sake of ‘research’ I’ve been reading a few police procedurals and crime fiction set in Tasmania. Or so I thought. This post collects several reviews in […]

You might have noticed there’s a certain Latin flavour around here that has nothing to do with salsa. As Roman life makes one of the “Three-R” pillars of this blog (Reading, Writing, and Romans), this also seeps in to the language. Now, I’m the first to admit my Latin is atrocious, but that doesn’t mean […]

My last post every year is about reflections of the year just passed, and the tone I hope for the coming one. This past year has been… eventful. And not always in a good way. I’ve learned a lot, but many were the days where I was wishing life would finish up with the lessons […]