Reflections of 2023

My last post every year is about reflections of the year just passed, and the tone I hope for the coming one. This past year has been… eventful.

And not always in a good way. I’ve learned a lot, but many were the days where I was wishing life would finish up with the lessons and let me just get on with the basics. Y’know, like a lunch break at the school of hard knocks.

Anyway, here’s the good, bad, and ugly of 2023, and my hopes — including book news — for 2024.

The Good

We moved to Tasmania, and I get glorious sunsets on a daily basis. Life is so much better closer to nature, though it might take a while till we can remove the green cones. Also, as you can see from the camera tilting, no views come without winds πŸ˜…

This is the view from my window. I often get distracted in afternoon meetings…

We also got a new puppy, who’s absolutely adorable! (Cats may disagree). Waffles is a Bernedoodle, and has discovered that (a) cats are not other puppies, (b) our son is another puppy, (c) some things squeak when chewed, so better chew on everything (including her tail, when she catches it).

So fluffy!!!
Also, so tiny! She’s growing so fast!

And, of course, I’m back to editing In Victrix. My two final beta readers loved the story and had some good suggestions, so once I finish tidying it up it’s down to the final proof-reading and publication.

I covered much of this in the new and revived mailing list! If you’d like more details, visit it here — and you can subscribe to get a free copy of Aquae et Ignis!

I do have some evil-genius plans for the actual publications (just wait and see!), but I expect to have it done for next quarter next year (Spring or Autumn depends on your hemisphere).

The Bad

Toxic workplaces, health scares, school traumas — life decided we still have things to learn, despite the past few years having enough lessons. We’re still waiting to go on a semester break from the school of hard knocks.

Leaving all the hospital trips and home-schooling aside, my workaround for the day job was to start blogging professionally. This helps me to remind myself that I know what I’m doing, kinda like reading the reviews from those who liked my writing 😁

But the other thing I have been doing throughout the year is mentoring others. I’ve posted on several occasions — such as on R U OK day — an open call for anyone who’s struggling to reach out. While I normally focus on product management (where I feel vaguely qualified to offer advice), some have reached out to speak about life in general. I don’t why I shouldn’t make the same offer on this blog.

So if you’re struggling — whether with writing or other issues — and would just like to chat to someone else for a bit of outside perspective, please reach out and we’ll find the time.

The Ugly

The Oct 7 events in Israel has been utterly shocking, but the unfortunate predictable response of “Well, it’s Israel’s own fault” less so. While criticism of Israel’s policies is fair (and for it’s worth I hope Netanyahu is tried for treason), using it as an excuse to delegitimise Israel’s right to exist is just a thin veil of modernity on ages old antisemitism.

That’s on top of the over antisemitism and hate-crimes, of course. If at any point you thought “From the River to the Sea” is the cry of freedom fighters, or that “it’s not antisemitic, but Israel deserves this” — you need a good look at the mirror (and probably new friends on social media).

Looking forward to 2024

Finishing In Victrix is slow, but steady. I look forward to publishing it. I’m also looking forward to starting a new role in the new year, so I hope I can get the book done before life gone even crazier πŸ€ͺ

Then again, as the meme of the right so succinctly puts it, when life gives you a break it might be a terminal one. So instead, I’ll just look forward to enjoying those moments I can, looking at the sunset, stopping to smell the roses (which are doing quite well in the Tassie weather), and playing with the other inhabitants of the zoo.

Life is a journey and not a destination, and all that.

In parting…

Lastly, while digging for the image at the start of this post, I found this gif lurking about. It always puts my in a good mood (I just can’t stop staring at it…), and since In Victrix has quite a few gladiators (though not quite as ecstatic) I thought I’d share it along… 😁

can’t… look… away…

May 2024 bring you joy and happiness!

Enjoying the articles, but curious if I’m just full of it or really make use of those varied subjects? Happy to elaborate! Go meet Felix, the protagonist of the Togas, Daggers, and Magic series, an historical-fantasy blend of a paranormal detective on the background of ancient Rome.

You can Felix and his world on the free short stories and novels!


  1. Thank you. Refuah Shlema. Wish we could say the same for the world but after hearing the warnings of Rabbi Sacks, I see civilization spiraling down (again). Nevertheless, we’ll carry on. At least, Tassy has a lot of promise and in a beautiful natural setting.

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